There’s nothing BLACK about this sale!

Sal the sheep didn’t get the memo that the Knit’n from the Heart sale started on WEDNESDAY, Nov. 26th . . .

Black Friday SAL

Stop by the shop for great savings!

25% off all in stock yarns

15% off needle sets

15% off yarn bowls and spindles

15% off Curaco stitch markers and shawl pins

15% off Knit’n from the Heart T-shirts

15% off Knitting bags and needle cases

and 50% discount on our clearance corner

Sale and clearance prices are good Wednesday, November 26th through Saturday, November 29th!

Don’t be like Sal . . . get to the shop early and bring your friends cause there’s nothing BLACK about this sale!

Gifted Knitters

You’ve all had it happen. You’re pushing your cart through Target, or Trader Joe’s or you’re reading a book at Panera, and you hear . . . “GASP!! Did you make that?!” You smile, you forget that you have it on, you check all of your appendages and then you finally respond, “Oh, this! Yes! Yes, I made this!” You snuggle deeply into your hand made knit and it just kind of makes your day. We knitters sometimes take for granted the simple pleasure these things bring. We love these little interludes — but there is no greater joy than sharing the story of someone that truly receives the time, talent and love of a hand knitted gift.

The gifted knit.

It comes in so many forms. A pair of socks or slippers to a friend or aunt that forever has chilled toes; a hat for a grandchild or nephew or neighbor that just won’t cover his ears in the brisk winter months — but you know his favorite color blue; a shawl that covers the shoulders of a sister spending her days in the corner rocker at a nursing home; the teddy bear that travels across continents and oceans to a child that lives out their days in the hot African sun.

The gift of knit.


A point of contact where our hands motion and love the repeated action where you think just of them.

Being a gifted knitter has little to do with the talents you hold in your knitting tool box — but has everything to do with your greatest of intentions. When we give a gift as knitters, we give the best of ourselves, and we can touch the lives of others whether we know them directly or not. We can pick and pull and tear out a thousand rows — and all they receive is love.

The leaves are falling, and we are moving into a season of great giving. Our windows are closed, our fireplaces are burning, and our slippers are never far from our feet. If you’re like me — the lists have begun, and project planning for my favorite fibers as they match with my favorite people has quickly followed!

Have you stopped by the shop since the weather has turned? Julie has been busy stocking the shelves with warm, fuzzy fibers that are perfect for your gifted knits. We have quite a few classes up our hand-knitted sleeves for those of you that are in search of inspiration! Stop by the shop or check it out online — we know you have just the person in mind!


Happy knitting!

New classes you aren’t going to want to miss!

The team here at Knit’n from the Heart has been busy preparing for this fall’s class offerings! Looking for a place to hone your knitting skills? Want to try your hand at felting or fair isle? How about the socks that have been on your bucket list?  Knit’n from the Heart’s class list can’t be beat this fall — and we’ve got a spot at our table just for you!

Heidi’s got the class for you if you are interested in trying your hand at beadwork! The pictures don’t do this beautiful piece justice! Sign up for the Beaded Shawlette – Monet’s Garden HERE — you won’t be disappointed in the beautiful piece of art you leave with upon completion of this class!

Fair Isle can seem like an intimidating task to add to your knitter’s tool box — but Judy takes this tall task and downsizes your first attempt! Sign up for the Norwegian Doll/Bear/Girl Sweater class HERE. Judy will get you started on a pint sized sweater to fit an American Girl Doll or Teddy Bear and move you on to a child sized sweater.

Pam is offering a class this fall that is hard to resist! Who wouldn’t want some of these sweet little, fall knits gracing their table tops?! Felting is an old world art form and fun none the less — sign up today for the Felted Fall Workshop HERE and get started on some fun – fall – felted projects with Pam!

We have a long list of great class offerings here at the Heart! Stop by the website to check out our full class offerings and sign up today! We hate to say this out loud . . . but Christmas is just around the corner! We have lots of opportunities to help you along your gift giving journey — we’re all busily preparing our lists as well. Looking forward to seeing you all in the shop!

Happy Knitting!